
Holding Hands PictureWe understand the various challenges people face as their health care needs increase, whether it’s for short-term skilled nursing and rehabilitation or for long-term skilled nursing care. If you’re planning a surgery where a post-hospital stay in a nursing home will be needed for rehab, we can help. Be sure to make arrangements for your stay with us ahead of time so that you have the peace of mind knowing a room is available and so we can make the admission process as efficient as possible. If you’re hospitalized, and you’ve learned you need to choose a nursing home to go to for a short period of time, we can help. If you’ve determined it’s best to move into a nursing home for long-term placement, or you simply need a brief respite stay to allow your caregivers a break, we can help.

Our social services staff will guide you through the admission process when you’re ready. We’ll cover what to bring as well as things like billing and payment processes along with how communications will work. Whether you will be admitted from a hospital or from your present living environment, we’ll work with you and your physician to ensure an effective treatment plan is established.

Depending on your specific health care needs, you may have other options as to where your needs can be met. We encourage you to explore all options available to you within the geographic area you’re willing to receive them in. Tour facilities, talk to knowledgeable individuals and get a feel for what you and your family can expect from the various options. We’ll be more than happy to help you in this process, even if the end result isn’t an admission to our skilled nursing facility. As a community provider of care, we’re focused on meeting your needs, and you have the right to choose where you’ll get your needs met.

Click here to request more information or to simply contact us to further discuss your situation.


“Willow Ridge Staff, there are too many of you to name and we wouldn’t want to forget any of you! You are all so awesome in what you have done to get my Mom up and running again, well, not exactly running! She is so happy to be home and she is so up beat. We appreciate everything you did for her.”
– Her Children and their families

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